JAWIR Creative Communal Space
3 min readJan 9, 2021

“Through hearing, seeing, tasting, and feeling of utmost traditional senses in an environmentally-sound space, while being touched by its sense of togetherness, completed, and supported with many unique locally grown brands…”


From our two very first writings about weton and nongkrong, we tried to give the hints to you all about values that we are going to hold onto and deliver as a creative, communal, and timeless platform.

JAWIR Creative Communal Space is located in Yogyakarta, Indonesia and presents a space with strong cultural roots of Indonesia. The idea of JAWIR Space first came up at the beginning of 2020, it started from our concern on how the quality of human interaction is decreasing from time to time, as in the modern era has been so depending on the technology and people are not so interested anymore doing any kind of direct interaction in the face to face meeting because everything nowadays can be reached through the internet. From this idea, we want to re-build the spirit of gotong-royong that is part of Indonesia’s identity. Gotong-royong itself means the mutual-cooperation that Indonesian culture has been holding onto for a long time ago.

The name of JAWIR is originally from a Javanese word, Jawi, which means Javanese people, but as time flies, people have been using Jawir as slang for Jawi. Lately, the word Jawir is being connotated negatively, that is why through JAWIR Space we want to bring the actual meaning of the word Jawir and as we are trying to remind people of the nobility of Javanese culture, we also deliver a message about the importance of culture in general to everyone in this modern era.

What do you have in mind when you hear about the creative, communal, and timeless platform?


Started from how we realized the need of humans to connect intimately with each other and the lack of places that can facilitate this, we present the innovation of a common space that has many functions, such as relaxing, socializing, and even working in JAWIR as a communal space.

We also believe that the whole process of humans interaction can be useful to bring the creativity of ourselves out. In JAWIR, we see creativity as a very important aspect in this modern era, and that is why we want to support everyone to create and enhance many ideas through discussing, collaborating, and carrying out other creative activities.

In JAWIR, we don’t only provide a space, but also programs to create memorable experiences through all aspects and offer a solution to our concern on quality decreased of humans interaction by developing a space that will bring many timeless interests into one platform.

JAWIR Space’s tagline: Aswana Catha

“Do you know why Aswana Catha is chosen as the tagline of JAWIR?”

Aswana Catha is originally from Sanskrit words because the Sanskrit language has a huge impact to the Javanese language. Aswana means a place or space and Catha means creativity. As one, Aswana Catha means a place or a space to put many ideas from different people together. Through this tagline, we want to build JAWIR Space is not only as a hangout place, but also where everyone’s inspirations, creativity, and other innovations can be supported.

